@COMMENT{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.60}}
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AUTHOR = {Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot et Bernard Brogliato},
TITLE = {Robustness analysis of Passivity-based Controllers for
Complementarity Lagrangian Systems},
YEAR = {2004},
OPTKEY = {},
TYPE = {Rapport de Recherche},
NUMBER = {5385},
ADDRESS = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5385.html},
MONTH = {November},
URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5385.html},
HOMEPAGE = {http://www.inrialpes.fr/bipop/people/bourgeot/},
NOTE = {\html{
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we study the robustness of tracking
controllers for Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless
unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and
nonsmooth dynamical features of the overall system. This work provides
details on the robustness of such controllers with respect to
the modelling errors of the dynamic,
the uncertainty on the constraint position, and with respect to the
measurement noise. }
AUTHOR = {Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot et Bernard Brogliato},
TITLE = {Tracking Control of Complementarity Lagrangian Systems.
Complementarity Lagrangian Systems},
YEAR = {2004},
OPTKEY = {},
TYPE = {Rapport de Recherche},
NUMBER = {5384},
ADDRESS = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5384.html},
MONTH = {November},
URL = {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5384.html},
NOTE = {\html{
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we study the tracking control of Lagrangian
systems subject to frictionless
unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and
nonsmooth dynamical feature of the overall system. The difference between
tracking control for unconstrained systems and unilaterally constrained ones,
is explained in terms of closed-loop desired trajectories and control
signals. This work provides details on the conditions of existence of
controllers which guarantee stability. It is shown that the design of
a suitable
transition phase desired trajectory, is a crucial step. Some simulation
results provide information on the convergence of such controller. Finally the
extension towards the case of multiple impacts, is considered.
AUTHOR = {Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot},
TITLE = {Planification et génération de trajectoires d'un robot bipède en environnement non structuré},
SCHOOL = {Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France},
YEAR = {2001},
OPTKEY = {},
URL = {./documents/jmb_rapport_dea.pdf},
NOTE = {\html{
ABSTRACT = {Les robots bipèdes présentent de par leur structure complexe, une forte instabilité, et des contraintes dynamiques et cinématiques qui restreignent leurs mouvements. Cette étude, en deux parties, porte sur la génération automatique de trajectoires (au niveau articulaire) entre deux postures stables pour un robot bipède. Ceci est fait en adaptant la méthode du gradient projeté au robot bipède. La deuxième partie de l'étude porte sur la planification de chemin en environnement non structuré. La planification est réalisée en faisant le suivi d'un chemin déterminé à l'avance en fonction des données topographiques du terrain. Ces deux études sont appliquées au robot BIP, un robot anthropomorphe comportant 15 articulations actionnées.}
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