The BIP robot
Walking allows to move around places where wheels can hardly go, and many robotic applications would gain from that point. But a robot reproducing specifically the human body as much as possible constitutes on top of that a new and powerful tool for the study of human movements. Our intention though is not to reproduce the exact behaviour of the human body. Our intention though is not to reproduce the exact behaviour of the human body, an extraordinary machinery that outperforms the possibilities of today's technology, but to reproduce the main characteristics of the human locomotion system. The BIP robot is therefore equipped with only 15 articulations, 2 at each ankle, 1 at each knee, 3 at each hip and 3 between the pelvis and the trunk, what is already hard enough to build and to control.
Videos of the BIP robot (in French only)
- marche d'un sous-système du robot BIP maintenu dans le plan sagittal / walk of a sub-system of the BIP robot constrained to the sagittal plane,
- contrôle postural en équilibre sur une jambe / postural control standing on one leg,
- extrait du film diffusé à l'Exposition Universelle Expo2000 à Hannovre / extract of the movie played at the Expo2000 World Fair in Hannover,
(mpg, mov)
- “Recherche en marche”, film réalisé pour l'exposition “L'Homme en marche” qui s'est tenue en 2003 au Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Grenoble / (only in french).
(avi, ram)
Simulations du robot BIP / Simulations of the BIP robot
- montée et descente d'escalier d'un système plan sagittal obtenue par Bilal El Ali / walk up and downstairs of a sagittal planar system obtained by Bilal El Ali,
(animated gif, mov, avi)
- trajectoires obtenues par Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot en minimisant un critère cinématique ou énergétique / trajectories obtained by Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot minimizing a kinematic or energetic criterion,
cinématique / kinematic(mpg)
énergetique / energetic(mpg)
- planification de trajectoires en environnement non structuré / path planning in a complex environment,
- marche statiquement stable obtenue par Fabien Lydoire / statically stable walk obtained by Fabien Lydoire,
- marche statiquement stable obtenue par Léonard Jaillet / statically stable walk obtained by Léonard Jaillet,
- zoom sur les articulations du bassin / zoom on the articulations of the pelvis,
- deux choix de répartition des forces de contact entre les pieds, l'un robuste aux perturbations, l'autre non (interrompue lorque la loi de commande diverge) / two choices of repartition of the contact forces between the feet, one robust to perturbations, the other not (interrupted when the control law diverges).
(animated gif 1) (animated gif 2)
Le robot BIP à l'Expo2000 / The BIP robot at the Expo2000
Du 1er juin au 31 octobre 2000, le robot BIP a été présent au coeur du Pavillon Français de l'Exposition Universelle Expo2000 à Hannovre, tissant le lien entre mouvement et technologie. Un film a été réalisé à cette occasion, dont voici les coulisses.
From the 1st of june to the 31st of october 2000, the BIP robot has been at the heart of the French Pavilion of the Expo2000 World Fair in Hannover. A movie has been shot for this occasion, and here are some images of the making-of.