Recent and forthcoming talks:
International Symposium on Intrinsic Localized Modes
January 25-27, 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
Thematic school
DYNOLIN 2018 : Méthodes de dynamique non linéaire
pour l'ingénierie des structures
27 May - 1 June 2018, Fréjus, France.
Lecture "Local analysis of dynamical systems and application to nonlinear waves".
Slides :
lecture 1 (introduction),
lectures 2 and 3 (center manifolds),
lecture 4 (strongly nonlinear modulation equations).
Advances in
Nonsmooth Dynamics
13-15 June 2018, Bristol, UK.
Dynamics Days Europe 2018
3-7 September 2018, Loughborough, UK.