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Welcome to Bipop team's website at Inria Rhone-Alpes. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
Research areas
Our team is concerned with nonsmooth dynamical systems, also known as complementarity dynamical systems, and nonsmooth optimization. More precisely, modelling, control and numerical simulation are the main scientific topics. The basic tools therefore come from nonsmooth mechanics, systems and control theory, convex and nonsmooth analysis.
The main applications can be found in mechanical systems (multibody systems with unilateral constraints, friction, nonsmooth contact laws), and in electrical systems (circuits with diodes, MOS transistors). Some more abstract problems (like optimal control with state constraints, generalized predictive control) also fit within this framework.
The main areas of application are: automotive systems, aerospace applications, electro-mechanical systems (mechatronics), robotics, etc. There are still many open fields of theoretical research (in systems theory: controllability, observability, stabilisation, trajectory tracking; in mechanical modelling: multiple impacts modelling, nonmonotone contact laws, Painlevé paradoxes), as well as on a more applied level (numerical simulation and software development).
Bipop's research at a glance :