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J.-M. Bourgeot.
Contribution à la commande de systèmes mécaniques
Thèse de Doctorat, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, 27
octobre 2004,
in french. ![]() [ bib | .html | .pdf ] |
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J.M. Bourgeot et B. Brogliato.
Tracking control of complementarity lagrangian systems.
The International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos , special
issue on Non-smooth Dynamical Systems, 15(6), 2005.
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In this paper we study the tracking control of Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical feature of the overall system. The difference between tracking control for unconstrained systems and unilaterally constrained ones, is explained in terms of closed-loop desired trajectories and control signals. This work provides details on the conditions of existence of controllers which guarantee stability.It is shown that the design of a suitable transition phase desired trajectory, is a crucial step. Some simulation results provide information on the robustness aspects. Finally the extension towards the case of multiple impacts, is considered. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot et Bernard Brogliato.
Tracking control of rigid manipulators subject to unilateral
Proc. of 6th ASME Conf. on Engineering Systems Design and
Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, Juillet 2002.
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In this paper we study the tracking control of Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless unilateral constraints. More precisly it concerns a class of specific nonsmooth systems which perform cyclic impacting tasks. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical feature of the overall system. This work provides details on the conditions of existence of a such controller which guarantees an asymptotic strongly stability. Some tests in simulation give some result on the robustness of this controller. And finally it clarifies some concepts related to multiple impacting systems. |
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Romano M. DeSantis, Jean Mathieu Bourgeot, Jean Noel Todeschi, et Richard
Path-tracking for tractor-trailers with hitching of both the on-axle
and the off-axle kind.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on
Intelligent Control, pages 206-211, Vancouver, Canada, Octobre 2002.
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Results relevant to path-tracking control for a tractor-2-trailers vehicle with one coupling joint on axle and the other off axle , are developed. In the case of off axle hitchings with a negative offset, these results are based on input/output linearization and extend controllers design procedures already available for vehicles of which the coupling joints are all on axle , or all off axle . In the case of off axle hitchings with a positive offset, exact linearization is no longer applicable and the problem is solved using Jacobian linearization. Convergence and robustness properties of the ensuing controllers are illustrated by means of simulation. Extension of these results to more general tractor-n-trailers vehicles is discussed. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot, Nathalie Cislo, et Bernard Espiau.
Path-planning and tracking in a 3d complex environment for an
anthropomorphic biped robot.
Proc. of the 2002 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots &
Systems, volume 3, pages 2509-2514, EPFL, Lausanne, Suisse, Octobre 2002.
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Biped robots have specific dynamical constraints and stability problems which reduce significantly their motion range. In these conditions, motion planning used for mobile robots cannot be applied to biped robots. In this paper, the path planning problem is seen as finding a sequence of footholds in a 3D environment, keeping robot stability, motion continuity and working within the structural constraints of the biped. The designed path planner contains two parts : The first one determines a reference path which maximises success rate in view of biped capabilities. This reference track is computed by the well know A* search in the graphs algorithm. The second part of the path planner is a path tracking algorithm which makes the robot follow the reference track. Simulation results concern the anthropomorphic 15 degrees of freedom robot BIP2000. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot et Bernard Brogliato.
Tracking control of nonsmooth complementarity lagrangian systems.
Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC'03,
University of Cambridge, UK, Septembre 2003.
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In this paper we study the tracking control of Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical feature of the overall system. The difference between tracking control for unconstrained systems and unilaterally constrained ones, is explained in terms of closed-loop desired trajectories and control signals. This work provides details on the conditions of existence of a controller which guarantees asymptotic stability. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot.
A tracking control scheme for complementarity lagrangian systems.
Poster presented at Siconos General Meeting, Barcelona, Spain,
November 10-11, 2003.
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In this poster we study the tracking control of Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical feature of the overall system. The difference between tracking control for unconstrained systems and unilaterally constrained ones, is explained in terms of closed-loop desired trajectories and control signals. This work provides details on the conditions of existence of controllers which guarantee stability.It is shown that the design of a suitable transition phase desired trajectory, is a crucial step. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot.
A tracking control scheme for complementarity lagrangian systems.
Poster presented at WorkShop on Free Boundary Problems, St-Etienne,
France, September 4-6, 2003.
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In this poster we study the tracking control of Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical feature of the overall system. The difference between tracking control for unconstrained systems and unilaterally constrained ones, is explained in terms of closed-loop desired trajectories and control signals. This work provides details on the conditions of existence of controllers which guarantee stability.It is shown that the design of a suitable transition phase desired trajectory, is a crucial step. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot.
Poursuite de trajectoires pour des systèmes soumis à des contraintes
unilatérales et applications sur les robots bipèdes.
Présentation Projet ROBEA : Commande pour la marche et la course
d'un robot bipède, LRV, Versailles, France, 10 juillet 2003.
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot et Bernard Brogliato.
Poursuite de trajectoire pour des systèmes mécaniques lagrangiens
soumis à des contraintes unilatérales.
17èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique,
pages 20-26, LRV, Versailles, Avril 2003.
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Dans ce papier nous étudions la poursuite de trajectoire pour des systèmes mécaniques Lagrangiens soumis à des contraintes unilatérales sans frottements. L'analyse de la stabilité de tels systèmes doit prendre en compte le caractère hybride (ou non-régulier) de la dynamique du système complet. Les différences entre la poursuite de trajectoire pour un système non-contraint et un système soumis à une contrainte unilatérale sont expliquées en termes de trajectoires invariantes et de trajectoires désirées. Ces travaux donnent des détails sur les conditions d'existence de loi de commande asymptotiquement stable. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot et Bernard Brogliato.
Poursuite de trajectoires dans les systèmes lagrangiens de
Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, Actes des JDA 2003,
Journées Doctorales d'Automatique, pages 371-376, Valenciennes, France,
Juin 2003.
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Dans ce papier nous étudions la poursuite de trajectoire pour des systèmes mécaniques Lagrangiens soumis à des contraintes unilatérales sans frottements. L'analyse de la stabilité de tels systèmes doit prendre en compte le caractère hybride (ou non-régulier) de la dynamique du système complet. Les différences entre la poursuite de trajectoire pour un système non-contraint et un système soumis à une contrainte unilatérale sont expliquées en termes de trajectoires invariantes et de trajectoires désirées. Ces travaux donnent des détails sur les conditions d'existence de loi de commande asymptotiquement stable |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot.
Détermination de la configuration pre-impact du bipède pour obtenir
un double support, et introduction d'un modèle d'impact tenant compte de
l'élasticité du système.
Présentation Projet ROBEA : Commande pour la marche et la course
d'un robot bipède, CNRS Paris, Versailles, France, 12 Mars 2004.
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot.
Planification et génération de trajectoires d'un robot bipède en
environnement non structuré.
Rapport de DEA, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines,
France, Juin 2001.
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Les robots bipèdes présentent de par leur structure complexe, une forte instabilité, et des contraintes dynamiques et cinématiques qui restreignent leurs mouvements. Cette étude, en deux parties, porte sur la génération automatique de trajectoires (au niveau articulaire) entre deux postures stables pour un robot bipède. Ceci est fait en adaptant la méthode du gradient projeté au robot bipède. La deuxième partie de l'étude porte sur la planification de chemin en environnement non structuré. La planification est réalisée en faisant le suivi d'un chemin déterminé à l'avance en fonction des données topographiques du terrain. Ces deux études sont appliquées au robot BIP, un robot anthropomorphe comportant 15 articulations actionnées. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot et Bernard Brogliato.
Tracking control of complementarity lagrangian systems.
complementarity lagrangian systems.
Rapport de Recherche 5384, Inria,
http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5384.html, November 2004.
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In this paper we study the tracking control of Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical feature of the overall system. The difference between tracking control for unconstrained systems and unilaterally constrained ones, is explained in terms of closed-loop desired trajectories and control signals. This work provides details on the conditions of existence of controllers which guarantee stability. It is shown that the design of a suitable transition phase desired trajectory, is a crucial step. Some simulation results provide information on the convergence of such controller. Finally the extension towards the case of multiple impacts, is considered. |
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Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot et Bernard Brogliato.
Robustness analysis of passivity-based controllers for
complementarity lagrangian systems.
Rapport de Recherche 5385, Inria,
http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5385.html, November 2004.
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In this paper we study the robustness of tracking controllers for Lagrangian systems subject to frictionless unilateral constraints. The stability analysis incorporates the hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical features of the overall system. This work provides details on the robustness of such controllers with respect to the modelling errors of the dynamic, the uncertainty on the constraint position, and with respect to the measurement noise. |