BipActuators/ActuationDynamics.scilab | Compute the generalized Torques generated by actuators |
NoDynamics/ActuationDynamics.scilab | Compute the generalized Torques |
StaticCalciumKneeMuscles/ActuationDynamics.scilab | Compute the generalized Torques and derivative of tightness and forces of muscles |
StaticCalciumRightKneeMuscles/ActuationDynamics.scilab | Compute the generalized Torques and derivative of tightness and forces of muscles |
BipActuators/ActuationEventDetection.scilab | Compute the state of actuators switchs |
NoDynamics/ActuationEventDetection.scilab | Compute the state of the actuators switchs |
StaticCalciumKneeMuscles/ActuationEventDetection.scilab | Compute the state of the actuators switchs |
StaticCalciumRightKneeMuscles/ActuationEventDetection.scilab | Compute the state of the actuators switchs |
BipActuators/ActuationEventHandling.scilab | Handling of actuation events |
NoDynamics/ActuationEventHandling.scilab | Handling of Actuation Events |
StaticCalciumKneeMuscles/ActuationEventHandling.scilab | Handling of Actuation Events |
StaticCalciumRightKneeMuscles/ActuationEventHandling.scilab | Handling of Actuation Events |
BipActuators/ActuationInitialisation.scilab | Initialize the actuators dynamics |
NoDynamics/ActuationInitialisation.scilab | Initialization of actuators dynamics |
StaticCalciumKneeMuscles/ActuationInitialisation.scilab | Initialization of actuators dynamics |
StaticCalciumRightKneeMuscles/ActuationInitialisation.scilab | Initialization of actuators dynamics |
BipActuators/ActuationStateReset.scilab | Compute the state of actuators switchs |
NoDynamics/ActuationStateReset.scilab | Compute the State of actuators switchs |
StaticCalciumKneeMuscles/ActuationStateReset.scilab | Compute the State of actuators switchs |
StaticCalciumRightKneeMuscles/ActuationStateReset.scilab | Compute the state of the actuators switchs |
AllSubjectsTrajectoriesReconstruction.scilab | |
Complete/AltitudeEnvironment.scilab | Compute the altitude of the environment |
SitToStand/AltitudeEnvironment.scilab | Compute the altitude of the environment |
AltTrajectory.scilab | Compute the position, velocity and acceleration desired at a given time t |
BipSensors.scilab | Emule the sensors of Bip Robot |
CompleteDynamics.scilab | Compute the complete Dynamics |
ComputeContactForces.scilab | Compute Contact Forces |
Complete/ContactEventDetection.scilab | Detecte the lift-off and impacts on environment |
RightKneeOnly/ContactEventDetection.scilab | State of Contacts |
SitToStand/ContactEventDetection.scilab | Detecte the lift-off and impacts on environment |
Complete/ContactEventHandling.scilab | Handling of lift-off and impact events |
RightKneeOnly/ContactEventHandling.scilab | Handling of Contacts Events |
SitToStand/ContactEventHandling.scilab | Handling of lift-off and impact events |
Complete/ContactForces.scilab | Compute the contact forces |
RightKneeOnly/ContactForces.scilab | Compute the contact forces |
SitToStand/ContactForces.scilab | Compute the contact forces |
Complete/ContactInitialisation.scilab | Compute the initial state of contact |
RightKneeOnly/ContactInitialisation.scilab | Compute the state of contact |
SitToStand/ContactInitialisation.scilab | Compute the initial state of contact |
NoDynamics/ComputedTorqueControl/ControlLaw.scilab | Compute the generalized Torques |
NoDynamics/ComputedTorqueInSpaceControl/ControlLaw.scilab | Compute the generalized Torques |
StaticCalciumKneeMuscles/ConstantControlLaw/ControlLaw.scilab | Compute the impulsion to send to muscles |
StaticCalciumKneeMuscles/SwingUpControlLaw/ControlLaw.scilab | Compute the impulsion to send to muscles |
StaticCalciumRightKneeMuscles/ConstantControlLaw/ControlLaw.scilab | Compute the impulsion to send to muscles |
StaticCalciumRightKneeMuscles/SwingUpControlLaw/ControlLaw.scilab | Compute the impulsion to send to muscles |
ConvertFromCsvToTags.scilab | Compute the Tags in the Human36 frame from the data in .csv files |
Bip/CreateVRML.h [code] | Create VRML function |
Human/CreateVRML.h [code] | Create VRML function |
Human36/CreateVRML.h [code] | |
Kondo-KHR1/CreateVRML.h [code] | Create VRML function |
PA10/CreateVRML.h [code] | |
RX90/CreateVRML.h [code] | Create VRML function |
CreateVRMLWithMarkers.h [code] | |
StaticCalciumKneeMuscles/DefaultConstants.scilab | Defaults Constants |
StaticCalciumRightKneeMuscles/DefaultConstants.scilab | Defaults constants |
EventDetection.scilab | Event Detection : Impact, left-off, switch actuators with hysteris |
Complete/ImpactLaw.scilab | Compute the velocity of system after an impact |
SitToStand/ImpactLaw.scilab | Compute the velocity of system after an impact |
Bip/JacadiModel/Jacadi.h [code] | |
Kondo-KHR1/JacadiModel/Jacadi.h [code] | |
Jacadi.scilab | Compute a position which minimize consommation energyand which satisfy a selection of constraints |
Complete/LagrangianDynamics.scilab | Compute the Lagrangian Dynamics |
RightKneeOnly/LagrangianDynamics.scilab | Compute the acceleration qddot |
SitToStand/LagrangianDynamics.scilab | Compute the lagrangian dynamics |
Bip/LagrangianModel.h [code] | Compute the complete Dynamics |
Human/LagrangianModel.h [code] | Compute the complete Dynamics |
Human36/LagrangianModel.h [code] | |
Kondo-KHR1/LagrangianModel.h [code] | Compute the complete Dynamics |
PA10/LagrangianModel.h [code] | Compute the complete Dynamics |
RX90/LagrangianModel.h [code] | Compute the complete Dynamics |
MenuReconstruction.scilab | Create a menu for the setting the parameters of the reconstruction and for launch this reconstruction |
ObserverGeometry.h [code] | Observer Geometry |
OurLibLapack.h [code] | Lib blas lapack |
Reconstruction.scilab | Compute the reconstruction 3D |
ReconstructionHessianRank.scilab | Tools/Reconstruction/Reconstruction_ufraps/ReconstructionHessianRank.scilab Compute the rank of the Hessian used in reconstruction 3D |
ReconstructionModel.h [code] | Compute the complete Dynamics |
Simulation.scilab | Compute the simulation |
ActuationModel/BipActuators/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Definitions of Bip Joint Names, Bip Motors Names and Bip Joint and Voltage limits |
ActuationModel/NoDynamics/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Description: |
LagrangianDynamics/Complete/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Definition of friction coefficient |
LagrangianDynamics/SitToStand/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Definition of friction coefficient |
LagrangianModel/Bip/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Define the Lagrangian Model Name, the contacts names, the contact solids and the Stickfigure and the name of H-Anim Joints used in VRML Visualization |
LagrangianModel/Human/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Define the LagrangianModelName, the contacts names, the contacts solids and the StickFigure |
LagrangianModel/Human36/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Definition of lenghts parameters, articular limits and StickFigure |
LagrangianModel/Kondo-KHR1/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Define the Lagrangian Model Name, the contacts names, the contact solids and the Stickfigure and the name of H-Anim Joints used in VRML Visualization |
LagrangianModel/PA10/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Define the Lagrangian Model Name, the contacts names, the contact solids and the Stickfigure and the name of H-Anim Joints used in VRML Visualization |
LagrangianModel/RX90/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Define the Lagrangian Model Name, the contacts names, the contact solids and the Stickfigure and the name of H-Anim Joints used in VRML Visualization |
Tools/Reconstruction/KinematicModel/Human36/SomeDefinitions.scilab | Definition of lenghts parameters, articular limits and StickFigure |
Spy.scilab | Spy out of range system state (joints, actuators command, frictions) |
StaticTrajectoriesReconstruction.scilab | Compute the reconstruction 3D from measures given by the user |
TabloPos.h [code] | |
TaskFunctionControl.h [code] | Task Function Control Law |
BipActuators/TaskFunctionControl/TaskFunctionDefinition/TaskFunctionDefinition.h [code] | Task Function implementation |
NoDynamics/TaskFunctionControl/PA10TaskFunctionDefinition/TaskFunctionDefinition.h [code] | Task Function implementation |
NoDynamics/TaskFunctionControl/RX90TaskFunctionDefinition/TaskFunctionDefinition.h [code] | |
ComputedTorqueControl/Trajectory.scilab | Compute the position, velocity and acceleration desired at a given time t |
ComputedTorqueInSpaceControl/Trajectory.scilab | Compute the position, velocity and acceleration desired at a given time t |
utilBip.h [code] | Bip joints transmission modelisation |
Complete/Visu.scilab | Draw the visualisation 3D |
RightKneeOnly/Visu.scilab | Draw the visualisation 3D |
SitToStand/Visu.scilab | |
VisualizationArticulation.scilab | Draws on a same graphics the results for all the measures for a given articulation |
VisuTagsComparison.scilab | Description: |
WriteInCsvFile.scilab | Compute the reconstruction 3D from all measures |